Every Little Bit Helps

by Samantha Perrault on Jul 03, 2020

Although we're a small new company, we hope to make an impact and from the start, agreed that we would leverage our business to give back.

It can be overwhelming to think about all the major issues that we humans, are facing now and in the coming years. Everywhere you look, there is so much to be done.

We decided to start at the local level so that our contributions as a start-up may make a difference. This summer, we will be donating a portion of our proceeds to Black Women in Motion @blackwomeninmotion

BWIM is a Toronto-based youth-led initiative aimed to advocate, uplift and support black women and non-binary folx. They advocate for black survivors of gender-based violence and provide counselling services to unemployed/underemployed black youth in Toronto Community Housing communities to help them gain access to sustainable job opportunities. This is especially relevant during this pandemic that has hurt so many, and disproportionately impacted youth minorities.
We hope to not only make a financial contribution, but also raise awareness for the fight against discrimination and sexual violence.
$5.00 CAD from the sale of every Notions Clutch and every Cork Project Bag will go directly to Black Women in Motion.

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