And the Winners Are...

by Thread & Maple on Sep 11, 2023

We've had two awesome contests wrap up in the last couple months. And we're so excited to share with you the winners of the Ideathon and S.H.O.W. Yourself competitions! 


The Ideathon Results

We know that we said we were going to pick from the top 3, but we don't think you'll be sad to learn that we're going to make FIVE of the new product ideas! 


The Winning New Ideas

We plan to make and release these awesome ideas over the next year.

Boxy tote

Boxy Tote

Megan Gonzalez

Swatch markers

Stitch Marker Keyring

Tara Wasemiller

Chart Keeper

Chart Keeper

Tara Wasemiller

Swatch Markers

Swatch Markers

Susan Delaney

Catch All Binder Page

Catch All Binder Page

Aimee Keithan


The Marvelous Modifications

All three of the top voted modification suggesters received gift cards, but we've only selected 2 to proceed with. And we're pretty excited.

The Modifications We're Making

Cables added to more pages

Cables Organizers on Chiaogoo, HiyaHiya and More!

Hillary Johnson

Notions page

Notions Page for Binder

Terumi Matthews

Our Ideal Ideathon

We were blown away by the amazing ideas and your response to them. Thank you so much for participating!


S.H.O.W. Yourself - Success Stories

We loved seeing your smiling faces! Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous photos and videos showing off your favorites from T&M.

Heather O'Connell shot our favorite video! 


And for most beautiful photo, we selected this shot by Glenda Lynn 😍

And of course, let's not forget our lucky draw winners: Chantel, Karen, and Sophia!

All winners were contacted directly after the contests concluded.

What's Next?

Do we have any more contests up our sleeves?

*smiles devilishly*


In the meantime, we've got some cool things coming your way--starting this Friday.

We can't wait to show you! 


Sam & Olga

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